Monday, March 31, 2008

Your guest blogger, Burr, here. My flight home today was cancelled, due to weather. It's practically April, and still snowing, so I kept Mary Robin at home to chill with me, since I was stuck here. It could be worse. I could be stuck in New York, Cincinatti, or some other city.

Friday, March 28, 2008

My Out of Town Guest

Today's blogger is a guest, Mary Robin's son, Burr,visiting from California for a long weekend.

I rushed to Maine to catch the end of your long winter, and to be with Mom for a few days. I usually visit Maine in the summer, and this is the first time I have been here in the 'spring' since about 1980. When does 'spring' really arrive here, anyway? I also got to hang out with my sister Rachel, and frame one of her original oil paints to take home. What a bonus! I also checked in with my ol' friend Christian, who is working on his MFA. He shared his work with me, and said 'art needs an audience' and explained his departure from the trope of his previous ethnographic portraits. And, I am really happy to hang out with my cool nephew, Wilder and his partner, Elise. We're all going to the Maine College of Art tonight to hear a speaker. It's a family affair with an artsy focus.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

March 24

Melissa came in late yesterday to pick up her Matisse. She was delighted with the framing job. Pat came in to get her work and Ken brought us two more posters. Ellen dropped off a window frame that looks like it came from a chapel. She wants us to attach a picture from Florence on the back of it with non-glare glass. I won't be in for a few days because Burr is visiting from California. I'll catch up on the blog next week.

Friday, March 21, 2008

March 21

Hello friends,
It's the day after the first day of Spring, Rachel and WIlder came in after lunch, she to help with my blog and he to make frames. We made plans to see each other on Easter. Josh came in today to get his two photographs, with him was his darling son, Asa. Brewster picked up those great Beatles posters and Sharon picked up the photo of a 1927 wedding that her dad was in. Susan has gone off to see her grandchild, maybe we will get a picture to post!

March 18, 2008

Patty and Sandy and the beautiful paintings they brought in today.

March 20, 2008

Jeanie was practically on the doorstep when we arrived today, with two antique Sugarloaf posters to plaque. Gary was here, too, with a photograph of his house on Diamond Island, with the biggest moon Portland has ever seen. It is truly amazing. Helen brought in two very cool pieces, cut out paper mounted on fabric, and a print by Nina Uccello, Jesse wants yet another trail map plaqued, this one from Sun Valley--this might be the 6th or 7th. They must have quite a collection!

March 19, 2008

Susan and I opened up at 10:0 and Carolyn was our first customer. She came in with another of her carefully crafted needlepoints, her work is really terrific. Plus, she bought the pottery I had put on display! Al came by with a very sweet mother and child print and Colleen stopped in with another Irish print from Dublin, Ireland. Hope picked up the gigantic oil painting done by her prisoners, that gives us more wiggle room. Phyllis and Joan also took their orders, I miss seeing these orders in the shop, you will all have to bring in some more! It snowed ALL DAY here, just one day before Spring. This is a picture of John and Marley, who came by the next day.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

March 15th

Snow, in mid March. Yikes! Will it ever end? In spite of the snow I had no trouble getting here, and Wilder came shortly after. Senter was my first customer and he brought in two antique pieces, the beautiful painting pictured and a photograph of the rocky Maine Coastline--sepia tone, and wonderful. Where does he get all this interesting artwork?

Wednesday, March 12

I'm "backposting"--my computer is on the brink so I waited for Rachel to get back from Texas. I arrived early on March 12 (happy birthday Bill) to get a jump on Thursday, but it was a slow day, only a few people in until 4:00 (closing time) when Ed came in at the same time as Gloria with Philip following soon after and lastly, Greg! WIlder played a no show, so no frames were made. He said he'd come late late. I got home by 6:00.

Friday, March 7, 2008

March 7, 2008

Today Betsy picked up a snowy photograph of Maine and Ann took the hand-hooked piece we framed.  I sold the first of the ceramic frames I bought on my trip to Mexico, hurray! George came in for his three pieces and said he was off to Phoenix and Tucson soon--L-U-C-K-Y!! Bring back some more artwork from the southwest. I lost battery power in my camera today so wasn't able to take anyone's picture, boo-hoo! But it was nice to finally meet John's wife Karen, who came in to pick up their mats--another good day in paradise! Pictured here is Scott, my sailor friend that came in yesterday with plaque orders.

March 6, 2008

Denny came  by today to pick up a plaque, and drop off something else to be plaqued. She visited with Ken while I helped him pick out a mat for an original Raphael etching. Darling Joan brought in a lovely watercolour to frame for Burgess.

Scott, our "Sailor man of Plaques" from Artiplaq came by to pick up our orders, he is always fun to see. A slow but steady steam of customers were in today. It looks like Spring outside, yipee!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

March 5, 2008

Day two back at work, and I'm still not feeling all that great but the day went fast, Sue got a lot done, and I was able to help Rose Marie pick out a mat for some nice prints. Wilder made many frames and I tried unsuccessfully to do book work--tomorrow will be better.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

March 4, 2008

My first day back at work after a frustrating few days in bed. I said to Senter, who always has such neat things "Just don't get old!" My first customer today was Ted Carter,  and it was so good to see him with his 18 family photos for a collage. It's getting busy again, thank goodness February is over. Sue and I are working hard. This afternoon Melissa came in with a drawing by Henri Matisse, signed by the artist! It was a real treat to select new mats for this elegant piece. Sue and I finished the day on a high note.